Cost Reduction and Control in EVBEX
Cost reduction and Cost control within a company is often the product of decisions and actions deployed in an unstructured and uninformed manner. Unfortunately, many companies try to control or reduce costs only by indiscriminately cutting costs resulting typically in the premature loss of key resources, knowledge, compliance, risk and generally poor performance leading to service deterioration. These outcomes will deliver a negative impact on the FM operation, the ability to maintain compliant services, customer satisfaction, company turnover and profit. This culmination of negative outcomes will undoubtedly effect and place pressure on the entire organisation.
Cost Reduction and Cost Control in Facility Management
Today’s challenges include delivering high performance and service quality at the most economically advantageous prices so that customers demand for better quality at lower prices and timely delivery are always met.
In order that your organisation may prosper and compete at the highest level it is imperative that your costs are controlled and offer the best value possible allowing you to optimise shareholder value and maximise profits.
We offer Facilities and Maintenance Management cost reduction services in the UK and Globally through a number of sustainable solutions that reduces your Facilities and Maintenance Management costs, which are attributable to a considerable percentage of organisational expenditure.
We adopt a number of methods to ensure that you can achieve your cost goals through targeting Facilities and Maintenance Management cost reduction in the UK. We adopt a structured and holistic approach to identify and establish areas and opportunities on the areas where significant costs may be saved or recovered.
Benefits of the Cost Reduction and Control
Our Facilities and Maintenance Management cost reduction services fee will be repaid many times over; for audits and reviews we will establish cost savings and recovery options whilst simultaneously improving performance and service quality; our Facilities and Maintenance Management cost reduction tender programmes yield at least 10% direct cost savings and further indirect efficiencies; for cost recovery services our fee may be negotiated on a contingent basis.
Our key guiding principles to delivering value based facilities management cost reduction and cost saving opportunities are:
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